Venus Turns Direct – The Sleeping Beauty Awakens

Venus turns direct after 6 weeks of retrograde motion. For the first time in 40 days, she begins moving in forwarding motion.

After spending “40 days in the desert” in introspection, Venus has seen in all – and has finally decided to “move on” and catch on speed.

Venus direct

The direct station of Venus is about manifesting a new feminine identity. Irrespective of gender, the YIN part of your psyche will experience an awakening.

If in the inception phase, the seed has been planted at the time Venus met the Sun in the sky, this time, when Venus turns direct, the seed is blooming into a beautiful flower, just like Venus grows brighter and brighter in the morning sky.

From now until Venus reaches her greatest morning elongation, you will feel at ease with your Feminine Self. During the next 50 days, this urge of feminine individuation will make you take full responsibility for your feelings and choices.

You are now brave and you know what you want – as you had enough time to ponder on matters of the heart or personal values during the retrograde period, you now feel that after all that introspection, it’s time to act upon your values and your feelings.

The only danger during this Venus phase is the danger of entitlement. You may have a tendency to think that all you need to do is “show up” and expect things from others just because “you are you”.

On the other hand, just like Venus is catching up on speed, you are also open to change, open to “do the work” and move to the next thing with confidence.

But just before the Sleeping Beauty awakens, you have one more trial. As Venus turns direct at 26 degrees in Pisces, she has to face for the last time the Pain of  Separation (the last Venus square to Saturn in a series of 3) and the Wound of the Heart (Venus conjunct Chiron). The aspect will last for up to one week because of the slow motion of both Venus and Saturn.

Before she turned retrograde on March 25th, Venus, just like princess Aurora pricked her finger on the spinning wheel and fell asleep, Venus let her heart get stung by Chiron.

Now, when she finally awakens, we have the same scenario, as Chiron in wandering in the sky around the same mathematical degree as Venus. Or, do we?

The last weeks have been painful. We were asked to revisit our Wounds and go deep into the pain. And, “thanks” to Saturn, we’ve been asked to go as deep as we can, until there is no more place to go.

But this time, as Venus awakens and lets herself get stung for one last time, things are quite different.

You’ve already opened your heart to the pain, and as a result of confronting those almost forgotten, but now exposed – wounds, you are now a different person. You’ve made peace with those parts of you – the guilt, the shame, the inadequacy – and you’ve learned to live with them. And by learning to live with them, you are now ready to live without them. You are now clear about what you truly value and about what you really need.


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