Full Moon in Scorpio – What Goes Around Comes Around

On April 26th, 20219 we have a Full Moon at 7° Scorpio. The Full Moon is opposite Uranus in Taurus, square Saturn in Aquarius and trine Mars in Cancer. 

Full Moons in Scorpio are intense by definition (we are dealing with Scorpio energy after all) and this one is no exception.

Mars in a water sign will fuel our emotions even more, while Uranus will seek an outlet for them, despite Saturn’s effort to keep us in check. 

This combo is dynamite. But when there is tension, when there is friction, things happen. And change is always a good thing, even if it may not always feel that way.  

Taurus Vs Scorpio – Freedom Bears Consequences

The Full Moon is a Sun-Moon opposition, so it is a reflection of the qualities of the opposite sign.

The Full Moon in Scorpio is a reflection of what is going on in Taurus. 

At the Full Moon in Scorpio, the Sun is conjunct Uranus in Taurus (and opposite the Moon).

Sun conjunct Uranus = a desire to be free, independent, autonomous, to depend on nothing and no one.

Scorpio, on the other side of the axis, is pretty much the opposite.

Scorpio is covenants. Scorpio is debt. Freedom bears consequences, and everything we do has a ripple effect. We all pay our dues sooner or later. What goes around always comes around.   

In our desire to be free and not having to worry about the future, we want to own stuff. But the more we own, the more we pile up, and the more we become a slave of our possessions. Stuff needs to be put into use. Money needs to circulate.

What’s no longer in use needs to be repurposed, recycled, or disposed of.

Stuff cannot just exist in a vacuum, and nothing lasts forever, as much as we want to freeze the status quo and defy the laws of nature.

The only constant is change. 

Full Moon In Scorpio – We’re In This Together

Taurus is “mine” and Scorpio is “ours”. Of course, owning stuff is an absolutely necessary process in our development. If you don’t have food in the fridge, you starve. If you don’t have warm clothes, you get sick. 

Taurus teaches us to become self-autonomous and to take care of ourselves. However, once we achieve this goal, from a certain point onwards, we realize that we can only go so far on our own.

There comes a point – always – when we’re better off joining forces, or merging with another entity – a project, a person, a community.

And this merging always comes at the expense of our personal freedom. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing, and evolution-wise, it is absolutely necessary.

Happy couples may miss their bachelor years, but overall, they find more value in the intimacy of the relationship.

Being part of a community may mean you have to turn your volume down when you listen to music – but it also means there is a neighbor there to rely on.  

Full Moon In Scorpio – What Goes Around Comes Around

Scorpio is associated with transformation, letting go, and purging. When you say “Scorpio” you automatically think of “what do I need to let go of?”.

But here we miss the incredible transformational potential Scorpio can offer.

Scorpio is not just about letting go. In autumn, when the leaves fall from the trees, the tree does just not let go of useless, dry leaves.

These dry leaves go back to the earth and transform into nutrients. They don’t just go away. They don’t just die. 

If it wasn’t for the leaves falling down and feeding the three through winter, the tree would dry out. Without trees, we wouldn’t have oxygen. Life on earth would cease to exist.

The process of transformation from one state of being to another is so very feared, by all of us – but it is a normal, and absolute necessity of life.

Just because things are no longer the way they used to be, just because they change their status, their properties, doesn’t mean they cease to exist. They simply become something else. 

The Full Moon in Scorpio is a great opportunity to ask yourself:

  • What do I cling to? What freedom can I find by letting go of what is mine? 
  • Where am I stuck? What can I repurpose so I can move forward? 
  • Who am I no longer willing to be? Who am I becoming? 

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4 thoughts on “Full Moon in Scorpio – What Goes Around Comes Around

  1. Wow! Thank you so much. I just wat to compliment you on how well you describe the energy and the examples are so vivid!

  2. Thank you for sharing this!! I am surprised that you didn’t mention that this full moon will be a total lunar eclipse. Even much more powerful!!

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