New Moon In Gemini – 1001 Nights

On May 22nd, 2020 we have a New Moon in Gemini. The New Moon is at 2° Gemini and forms harmonious trines to Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto. 

What’s very special about the New Moon in Gemini in that the ruler of the New Moon, Mercury, is exactly conjunct Venus retrograde at 20° Gemini. 

Mercury (direct) goes ahead doing his Mercury thing. He explores. Tells stories. Gets curious. But Venus takes the information and quickly disappears to do her Venus retrograde thing.

You may actually see the two stealing a kiss on May 22nd in the dusk sky, 75 minutes after sunset – for a few minutes only – before they disappear under the horizon.   

Similarly, just when you think you know what’s going on, and that you have it all under control, something happens.

There is a twist in the plot. 

Both Mercury and Venus are square Neptune in Pisces. When Mercury and Venus square Neptune, we long for something that doesn’t even exist, that cannot be expressed in words.

Neptune will ask us to restructure our reality – so we can find a higher order, a superior meaning, a more elevated reason for our existence. 

The story that the New Moon in Gemini will reveal is not the ‘real’ story. It is part of a bigger picture. A bigger picture that you’re only starting to grasp. 

This New Moon in Gemini makes me think of 1001 Nights. “1001 Nights”, also known as the “Arabian Nights”, is a collection of Middle Eastern folk tales. 

The king of that time, Shahriar, discovers that his wife has been unfaithful. To take revenge, he decides to marry every day a different woman and then execute her the next day. 

One day, he marries Scherezade.

On the night of their marriage, Scheherazade begins to tell the king a tale, but she does not end it. The king, curious about how the story ends, is forced to postpone her execution to hear the end of the story.


The next night, as soon as she finishes the tale, she begins another one, and the king, eager to hear the conclusion of that tale as well, postpones her execution once again. This goes on for one thousand and one nights. 

Scheherazade’s tales varied: historical tales, love stories, tragedies, comedies, poems, burlesques, erotica. Some of these spirit-enhancing and magic-inducing tales depicted jinns, ghouls, apes, sorcerers, magicians, and legendary places.

Aladdin’s Lamp or Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves are some of the most famous tales that have been included later in the collection.

After 1001 nights, Scheherazade runs out of stories. But the king was already under her spell. Enchanted by her storytelling gifts, he falls in love with her and spares her life. 

Scheherazade found a way to keep love alive (Venus) by telling stories (Mercury). Seducing and mischievous, she created anticipation by telling the king just half of the story and revealing the outcome only one night later (Venus retrograde).  

Storytelling, curiosity, having a beginner’s mind, being verbally articulate – are all Gemini qualities, and at the time of the New Moon we will all be more willing to embrace them.  

Mercury conjunct Venus retrograde square Neptune suggests there is a bigger puzzle in the making. You may think you know what the puzzle is about. But when Mercury and Venus are square Neptune, you can bet you don’t.  

The best approach for the New Moon in Gemini on May 22nd is to let your curiosity and inner storyteller take the front seat.

Because sometimes the great things in life are not the end goals, or great achievements. The great things in life are in the searching, in the possibilities that can emerge only from a place of genuine curiosity and anticipation. 

You may not know what’s around the corner, and that’s ok. Instead of choosing your path, let the path you’re already on, guide you to places that are perhaps, even more enchanting.

You may not know where you’ll end up, but the journey of exploring what’s possible will be totally worth it.

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11 thoughts on “New Moon In Gemini – 1001 Nights

  1. That’s probably as beautiful a new moon reading as Scheherazade herself could have enchanted us with. Many thanks.

  2. Thank you for this beautiful description of the changing energy in the days ahead.

  3. I’m curious, do the different moon phases have their own rulers, or is Mercury the ruler of this New Moon because the Moon is in Gemini? Thanks for an interesting blog.

    1. Yes indeed – Mercury is the ruler because Mercury rules Gemini. The next New Moon in Cancer will be ruled by the Moon herself, since Cancer is ruled by the Moon, the New Moon in Leo by the Sun etc

  4. This is my aspect, Venus conjunct Mercury on 6 degrees conjunct Moon 7 degrees Aries which is my Sun Sign and it is square Neptune. Other two aspects in my Natal is oppositions. No serious lighter aspects, no trines, no sextiles which can “pull me out”. I wish to learn about my stars, make sense out of it because it is hard. I like the way you explained stuff. Thanks 💖

  5. How do we guide the blind. The ones tgat dont know any better. Or the new generation needs to grow and learn. How do we fix the wrongs that will happen because of greed. Are we suspose to sit back and let the evil take over or do we get r plans in motion for when the time to heal this planet we can make earth a better place for the next generation.

    1. Sorry I didn’t proof read. Lol but the missed spelled word is that. Lol. But I know there will be a lot of pieces to pick up after the phases the universe needs to go through to get aligned for its next phases in r life time. I know we can’t do nothing while it’s in theses phases either we can’t fight against mother nature as they put it. But what can we do to make it not so hectic to get to where we all need to be for the next generation.

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