New Moon in Libra – A Sudden Flash Of Divine Insight

Every New Moon is special, but this particular New Moon in Libra is truly special. Why is that? Because it’s EXACTLY opposite Uranus, the planet of revolutions, surprises – the planet of being true to one’s self.

More exactly, the New Moon in Libra takes place on October 19th at 26°35’ in Libra, while Uranus is at 26°31’in Aries. The opposition between the New Moon and Uranus is within an orb of 0°04’. Very rarely we have such a close configuration occurring at the same time with a New Moon.

Uranus New Moon

What exactly does it mean to have a New Moon in Libra in opposition to Uranus?

Firstly, what is a New Moon? A new Moon occurs at the magic moment when the Sun, the divine masculine, aligns with the Moon, the divine Feminine, to start a new cycle of creation.

We have a New Moon every month, one New Moon in each of the 12 zodiac signs. The New Moon is that time of the year when we have a new beginning related to the themes of the sign where it takes place.

Last month we had a new Moon in Virgo, and in November we are going to have a new Moon in Scorpio.

This month we have a New Moon in Libra, meaning that we are going to experience new beginnings related to Libra: relationships, partnerships of any kind, beauty, harmony, peace, and justice.

If in the first six signs, from Aries to Virgo, we relate to the world based on our own personal experiences, in Libra we realize that we don’t have all the answers, and we start to look for answers outside ourselves.

That’s why Libra rules relationships – it’s within the sign of Libra that the soul does not want to be alone anymore, and wants to merge with another instead.

According to the Greek mythology, at the beginning of time, humans originated in pairs, bound within one body, within one soul. But Zeus started to fear power of this bond, and he split them in two.

Because they could not bear their loneliness,  the ‘halves’ started to wander the Earth in search of their lost soul mate, to reunite and become whole again.

This is the myth of the soulmate – each time we have a New Moon in Libra, we crave to unite with whatever it is that is missing from our lives.

“Love is born into every human being; it calls back the halves of our original nature together; it tries to make one out of two and heal the wound of human nature.” ― Plato, The Symposium

What is it that is missing from your life?

Look in which house you have Libra to get more clues of what you need to reunite with on October 19th.

New Moons are not easy to grasp.

At this phase of the lunar cycle, the Moon is completely invisible, disappearing from the sky into the Sun’s glare. This is a time of insight, this is a time to design a new blueprint. Few days later, when the Moon becomes visible again, we can actually go into the world to manifest the intention.

Starting something new at the time of the New Moon does not mean you have to literally do something, manifest something material – it simply means a new insight will come into your awareness.

And here comes Uranus.

In this dark mysterious place, where a new genesis begins, here comes Uranus, like lightning, to say “I’ve come here to liberate you”.

In that space, where everything is possible, here it comes, the God of the sky, bringing you the divine insight, bringing you the fire stolen from the Gods to light your way.

Uranus is the ultimate rebel – whether you like his ways or not, Uranus comes to liberate you, to show you there is a higher plan for you.

On October 19th, Uranus will bring you one insight that will turn your life upside down, but will also set you on the path of your true purpose and liberation.

Because Uranus is still retrograde, the insight will come from the realm of the unconscious.

The insight will come all of the sudden. Uranus is the God of the sky, the planet of higher intellect and higher wisdom – the message will come like a flash of lightning. You will have a sudden awareness of what you need to do.

Don’t expect anything like a Mercury insight. Mercury makes sense of the world through the 5 senses: sight, sound, smell, touch, or taste. Uranus is the 6th sense, which has nothing to do with the world as we know it.

So if we put everything together, what does it mean to have a New Moon in Libra opposite the Great Awakener, Uranus?

It means that a major insight will come to you and bring balance into your life, and will make you feel whole again.

With the New Moon in Libra opposite Uranus, you will find harmony by embracing the truth.

The truth will at first shake you, and will then it will set you free.

Sometimes we work so hard, and nothing goes our way. And then, all of a sudden, in the blink of a second our life is changed forever.

Uranus aspecting the New Moon will ask you to invite possibilities in your life. If you are not going anywhere on your current path, maybe the time has come to change course, to do something completely different.

Because Uranus is in Aries, the sign farthest away from Libra, you might need to do something completely different indeed.

What are you in denial about? Uranus will come to expose any blind spot, and will make you see things from a completely different perspective.

Maybe what you think you want is not really what you need. Maybe you need something completely different to feel whole again.

The Sabian for the New Moon in Libra is “An Airplane Sails, High In The Clear Sky”. What a beautiful metaphor for Uranus, the God of the sky.  A new path is open, to make way for new possibilities and new adventures.

You can finally find freedom from the limitations of human consciousness, freedom from separation. You have never been half of a whole. You are whole; that is your true nature.

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6 thoughts on “New Moon in Libra – A Sudden Flash Of Divine Insight

  1. Is it best to look at what’s in Libra and/or what house it falls in? I have Pluto in Libra in the 6th, I understand I need to set myself from “work” and launch my own completely different work.. feels like this is what this new moon is about..

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