New Moon In Leo at 0°– Cut Through The Bull$hit

The New Moon in Leo on July 23rd is going to be dramatic, surprising and unexpected. Sizzling with passion, the New Moon is a wake up call to roar like a lion, strike a lightning, and cut though any B$ and lies you’ve been telling yourself.

The desire to break free from ‘concrete maze’ we’ve built around ourselves is now so consuming, that we cannot ignore it any longer. To say that the energy of this New Moon is intense is an understatement. Remember the electricity in the air before a thunderstorm? The restlessness, the anticipation, the impatience it brings? This is what the energy of the New Moon in Leo will feel like.

What makes your heart spark? What is the difference between what you’ve been told you are supposed to be and what your soul truly wants? What makes you feel fully alive, vibrant, aligned with your heart’s desires? The New Moon is an invitation to light the fire of our soul and shine.

This powerful New Moon will be the teaser and a stage-setter  for the coming Leo Solar Eclipse on August 21st.

The July 2017 New Moon will take place in the very beginning of the sign of Leo (0° to be exact!). Then, next month, on August 21st, we will have the 2nd New Moon in Leo which is also the Solar Eclipse we are all waiting for.

The New Moon on July 23rd is tightly conjunct hot-blooded Mars and squares unpredictable Uranus at 28° Aries. The Solar Eclipse on August 21st is also in Leo, is also conjunct Mars, what is different is that the Eclipse is trining Uranus. Every time we have two New Moons in the same sign, the Universe wants to make sure we “get” the energy of that specific sign, that’s why is giving us two chances to master this energy.

To make sure you harvest what the Solar Eclipse in August has to offer you have to firstly deal with this New Moon. Your strength, your will are being tested right now. The New Moon on July 23rd will ask you to break something so you can move forward.

July Mars New Moon Leo

The New Moon in Leo is the official start of the Eclipse season. It is time for MAJOR new beginnings. New Moons in general are great times for new beginnings, but this New Moon is the definition of new beginnings because it occurs at the , which is the degree of new beginnings.

And is also conjunct Mars, the most brave, action oriented, assertive planet in our solar system. What else do you need? We have absolutely no excuses not to act now.

At 0° Leo and in conjunction with Mars, the planet of action and initiation, and square Uranus, the planet of the authentic self, this lunar cycle will ask you to get out of your comfort zone. Sun, Moon and Mars are square Uranus! You have to “make it” or “break it”, now or never.

With two New Moons in Leo, with the North Node in Leo, we all need to learn how to be like a lion, how to shine, how to be the king of our castle.

If you’re trying to get something started, this is your New Moon – is boiling with initiative and confidence.

Look at the Sun! The Sun is inevitable. We can always count on it to rise each morning – even after the darkest night the Sun is a promise that this too shall pass. The Sun is the promise of the Universe that we can – and we should – shine our true nature without fear.

And the question the New Moon in Leo is raising is: “Are you truly living in harmony with your inner sun?”. The New Moon is an invitation to get in touch with your inner child, an invitation to open up to the endless and infinite possibilities of who you are.

But maybe the most important message of this New Moon has to do with understanding and embracing our masculine side, our animus, our yang.

With Sun and Mars, the most masculine planets in our solar system joining in the first degrees of Leo, we are all being asked to “be a man” and “act like a man” irrespective of our gender. Women or men, we all have masculine energy.

The New Moon is going to ask every single one of us the dreaded question  “Are you a real man?”. And because Uranus is squaring the New Moon we will have to cut through any B$ and get real. Those who have been faking it will get a big slap in the face. Uranus wants us to wake up to the reality of who we really are.

If you need external proofs to feel worthy, if you think you need a great job title, a sport car, a trophy partner, you are not expressing your real, authentic masculine qualities, irrespective of your gender. You are dependent on external validations, trying to be in a certain way because you think that’s the only way people will accept you.

You are a real man when you stop trying to “prove yourself”. When you don’t measure your self-worth by how much money you have in the bank, if you have “manager” in your job title, if you fly business class.  When what matters is whether the voice you are listening to is the voice of your inner Truth.

Being a man does not mean you should do what you want and stop caring about others. You are a real man when you are able not only to take care of others, but also deal with failure and embrace criticism. This is what it means to be brave and courageous like a lion. This is when every battle you lose will get you one step closer to victory. This is what the leonine courage and pride is about.

The New Moon in Leo will teach all of us to passionately roar the truth of who we are, loudly and proudly. Without fear. The time has come to put yourself out there and shine your true light. Somewhere deep within, you know what you have to free yourself from. Sun and Mars will help you tap into your fearless side so you can shine your truth with pride and dignity.

Uranus will bring a sense of urgency in the process, pushing you to move forward with courage and authenticity. You cannot compromise who you are any longer. Let your inner light shine brightly, cutting though the bull$hit, melting any resistance, blinding the eyes from illusion, blinding any fear or doubt that is left.  There is no shadow within this light.

Growth and self-fulfillment are rarely found within your comfort zone. And to truly live, you must be one with your inner sun. If you chose not to, you are wasting your life. The New Moon in Leo is the much needed wake up call to say “I had enough” and make the necessary changes so you can live a life of pride and dignity.

The New Moon is also supported by a beautiful Grand Fire Trine with Mercury and North Node in Leo, Saturn in Sagittarius and Uranus in Aries. The only aspect that clouds the fiery sky is Venus opposite Saturn across the Gemini/Sagittarius  axis, signifying a crisis of faith.

Some beliefs need to go if you want to build your life on a new foundation. Embracing the new-found knowledge openly and with awareness can allow you to effectively move into the new direction.

“Doubt yourself and you doubt everything you see. Judge yourself and you see judges everywhere. But if you listen to the sound of your own voice, you can rise above doubt and judgment. And you can see forever.”

The New Moon will affect you greatly if you have planets or angles around 0° in Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, Scorpio or if you have Leo ascendant.

Look in which house you have 0° Leo to understand which area of your life needs to be reclaimed.

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5 thoughts on “New Moon In Leo at 0°– Cut Through The Bull$hit

  1. This happened to me,im Leo rising. I started a business right after this. You are very good at writing thanks.

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