Astrology of January 2018 – Lunar Eclipse in Leo and All Planets in Direct Motion

2018 starts with a bang! More exactly with a Full Moon in Cancer which is also a Supermoon. January ends with a 2nd Full Moon in Leo, which this time is also a Lunar Eclipse.

The first month of the year starts and ends with a Full Moon. Is not only that we have 2 Full Moons instead of one within one month, but what makes January so special is that both lunations are super potent – the first one takes place in its home sign Cancer, and the 2nd is a Lunar Eclipse.

At the beginning of the year, when the Sun is at its lowest strength (at least here in the Northern Hemisphere), the Moon is more powerful than ever. The Moon is usually associated with the feminine principle – if you are a woman, in January things will come easier to you. The Moon is – together with Saturn – the most material planet. The Moon manifests whatever the Sun imagines and designs, the Moon is consciousness in action. So you will likely get a lot done in January!


Apart from the Moon, we have another interesting event taking place in January: between 14th – 16th of January we will have a record of 6 planets in Capricorn. That’s a lot of Capricorn energy! It’s quite unusual to have more than 4 planets at a time in a given sign – it only happens when we also have slow moving planets in that particular sign.

The Sun, the Moon, Mercury and Venus will join Saturn and Pluto in the sign of the goat. Pay attention to what happens this month, what area of your life comes into focus, because it is likely that you will deal with this topic in the next 3 years of your life. All these planets gathered together in Capricorn will give you clues about the role Saturn in Capricorn is going to play in your chart.

Another important event in January is that starting with January 2nd, when Uranus goes direct we will have zero planets retrograde in the sky. All planets will be in direct motion! The universe is giving you a window of opportunity to act, to move forward, to achieve what you want to achieve without hurdles.

Do you know that feeling when Mercury is retrograde, and misunderstandings, delays, errors drain you of energy – and you need at least twice the amount of time and energy you usually need to get things done? Having all planets in direct motion is the opposite of that!

If you have many planets retrograde in your natal chart, this energy can feel a bit too strong for you. You may feel pressured to act without having all the details figured out. Go with the flow and trust that everything will work out in your favor in the end!

To sum up, in January we have a strong Moon, a strong Saturn, a stellium in Capricorn and all planets in direct motion. The Moon, Saturn, Capricorn, are all action oriented, practical, they manifest, they transform ideas and vision into tangible reality. January is the best time of the year to act and turn your vision into action.

Let’s have a look at the major aspects of the month:

January 2018

On January 1st we have a Full Moon – which is also a Supermoon – in Cancer. The Moon is engaged into a Grand Water Trine with Mars is Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces and is opposite Venus. The Full Moon in Cancer will set the tone for the new year: 2018 will be the time to manifest what you have started to build in 2017. To do that, you need to reconcile the needs of your most intimate self, who wants to preserve what it has (Cancer) with the needs of your future self, who wants to grow and evolve (Capricorn).

On January 2nd Uranus goes direct. There are now literally ZERO retrograde planets in the sky. You have a green light from the universe to go for what you want. It’s not a coincidence that the last planet to go direct is Uranus – the planet of liberation. Now is the time to liberate yourself from any old patterns of thinking and go full steam ahead for Renewal.

On January 6th Mars is conjunct Jupiter. Mars conjunct Jupiter is one of the best aspects we can have, especially given that Mars is at home in Scorpio. Now is time to go for what you really want, for your most impossible dreams and desires. You are especially favored if you have planets or angles around 17° Scorpio.

On January 8th and 9th we have a triple conjunction between the Sun, Venus and Pluto. Venus is halfway in her cycle right now, highlighting the themes of the synodic cycle that started on March 25th 2017 and will end on October 25th 2018.

This conjunction is one of the highlights of the year – triple conjunctions are pretty rare, and this one is especially important because it involves one luminary, the Sun, one personal planet, Venus, and one interpersonal planet, Pluto.

The personal realm will intersect with the interpersonal plan, and this is when important events take place. Something will definitely happen in your life if you have planets at 18-19° in Cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn.

On January 11th Mercury enters Capricorn and one day later on January 12th Mercury conjoins Saturn. Mercury is finally out of the sign of its detriment and out of the retrograde shadow. Mercury is ambitious and determined in Capricorn and during this transit he will be even more so because the cycle starts with a conjunction to Saturn. Use your mental energy to get things done.

On January 13th Venus squares Uranus and one day later on January 14th Sun squares Uranus as well. Something will have to go around these dates – Uranus will make sure you will get liberation from some old patterns of relating which do not longer serve you. Maybe you are too compromising, maybe in your desire to please others you sacrifice an important part of yourself. These squares to Uranus will show you what exactly needs to change. A few days later, at the time of the New Moon, you will have the chance to start anew.

On January 16th we have New Moon at 26° Capricorn and a record of 6 planets in Capricorn: Sun, Moon, Mercury,Venus, Saturn and Pluto. The New Moon will be the trademark of Saturn in Capricorn and will tell us know – without a doubt – what Saturn in Capricorn will be all about.

The New Moon takes place around the same degrees where we will experience the Saturn-Pluto-Jupiter alignment in two years from now, so pay extra attention to the messages that come to you around this date. The New Moon in Capricorn will shed light into what will keep you busy in the coming years. When you know what to expect you can get better prepared for the future.

On January 17th Venus enters Aquarius and on January 19th Sun also enters Aquarius, balancing the elemental energy in the sky. If the first two weeks of January have been infused with Cardinal and Earth energy, the 2nd half of January will be much more balanced, especially thanks to Venus and the Sun who move into Aquarius. Aquarius brings Air and Fixed energy, helping us get the clarity we need to focus on what is really important.

On January 26th Mars enters Sagittarius. Mars feels good in the fiery sign of Sagittarius – he is still as assertive and bold as in Aries and Leo, but in Sagittarius, Mars acts with the bigger picture in mind, and wants to align his personal will with the divine will. This is a good time to expand your horizons, to do strategy work, to mingle with people with a different outlook on life than yours, to travel to a far away destination.

January ends on an even more intense tone than it started, with a Lunar Eclipse at 11°Leo on January 31st. Just like the first Full Moon of the month, this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse is opposite Venus. Having two Full Moons in opposition to the planet of love is very interesting, especially given that both the Moon and Venus are the two celestial bodies symbolizing the two facets of the feminine principle.

Moon and Venus describe the two feminine archetypes: on one side we have the the Moon, the most primal aspect of our psyche, representing our emotions, our day-to-day behaviors, what we do in order to survive, our memory, our instinct to protect ourselves and protect the others.

On the other side, together with the Sun, we have Venus, the planet of relating, of giving and receiving, of what we like and dislike. In a nuthshell, the Moon describes the relationship we have with ourselves, so we can get our primal needs met, whereas Venus describes our relationship with the outside world, so we can get our social needs met.

The two feminine principles are now in opposition. While the Moon is very close to the Earth and therefore has an even stronger influence on us, Venus is at the farthest away point from the Earth right now, and is willing to sacrifice her needs in order to please the Sun.

Let’s see how the two feminine principles will reconcile. Have a look at which houses in your natal chart you have Leo and Aquarius to get more clues about which area of your life (represented by the Leo-Aquarius axis) needs reconciliation.

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12 thoughts on “Astrology of January 2018 – Lunar Eclipse in Leo and All Planets in Direct Motion

  1. This is amazing, really appreciated… so accurate and detailed, good info in time to use it💚

  2. You have a unique gift; I’m not sure how to describe it. Maybe the closest I can’t get is to say you understand truly what is happening in the moment, without any relience on mere concepts or the past. The truth of your understanding of this orchestra in the sky is immediately felt. I’m very happy to have found your blog! =)

  3. This is so helpful! I’m a Cancer, Cancer Ascendant, moon in Pisces gal, and I couldn’t be more excited about what’s happening Astrologically right now. It’s a lot to process and this really helps me understand it , thank you💕 This is going to be an amazing year✨💝💫👏

  4. Hi! Which would be the best day of celestial support to put through a job application? I live in Finland and the Cap New Moon is on the 17th.

  5. Whoa! Heart be still! The Sun/Venus/Pluto conjunction opposes my 19 Cancer Sun. New Moon on my 26 Capricorn MC. Mars/Jupiter on my 17 Taurus Descendant. Natal Moon 16 Virgo. Natal Mars 18 Pisces.

  6. Happy new year new beginnings!
    WOW stellar!
    15/01 is my birthday 🎂 and second Saturn return totally blessed alright wooh ! Gratitude 🙏 to all the wonderful blessings this year will bring ! xxxooo
    Thankyou for this article! 💖💖💖✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨

    1. hello nice to meet you we are astro gemells ! i was born on the 15th of january in France
      asc capricorne too!
      we can exchange about how to welcome Saturn and his friends in capricorne!!!

  7. I’m a Cancer, moon in Virgo with a Leo Assendent….any chance you could give me advice on my career?

  8. This Leo full moon is smack dab on my Venus, opposing my Midheaven/Jupiter, and squaring my nodes/Lilith in Taurus – this should be interesting. Thank you for this wonderful writeup. 😀

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