Last Quarter Moon In Aries – The Missing Piece Of The Puzzle

On Sunday, July 16th we have the Last Quarter Moon in Aries. The Last Quarter Moon is dynamic and unpredictable and will reveal something we’ve been missing. This “missing element” will take us completely by surprise, given that Uranus and Mars are in a very close aspect to this lunation.

Last Quarter Moons are always dynamic because there are essentially a square between the most important celestial bodies, the Sun and the Moon. This particular Quarter Moon will be even more so, because it triggers the Mars Uranus square in the Cardinal signs Aries and Cancer.

Because of these squares, Sunday and Monday will be very intense, in contrast to the rest of the week, which has been rather uneventful. After the powerful Full Moon in Capricorn we had some well-deserved time to chill out, reflect and regain our strength and clarity.

The Last Quarter Moon in Aries will be explosive and unexpected, like an alarm clock waking us up from a dream. Mars is pairing with the Sun while the Moon is pairing with Uranus. Sun and Mars in the sign of Cancer will seek the safe harbor, the familiar territory, while Uranus with the Moon in the individualistic sign of Aries will look for freedom and seek to rewire (Uranus) our patterns of behavior (Moon).

Last Quarter Moon Aries

Mars and Uranus are the most intense, active and alert planets so expect a lot of inner tension. We cannot have emotional freedom and play it safe in the same time. This is the message of this turbo-charged Last Quarter Moon. If you want predictability, you might miss all the fun. It is either, or.

Don’t try to fight the restlessness you’re experiencing because it is in the uneasiness of the conflict where you will find the way out.

Look at the moon right now. It is exactly half illuminated. Half light, half dark.  You are now at the crossroads, looking how far you’ve come and how much further you can get. It is a time of transition, transformation, of evolution.  Something is about to happen, something is about to change.

The message may not be so easy to decode as it is internal, so don’t expect something to just “happen” in the outside. You are the one who needs to make up your mind and make the necessary decisions.

Like with any decision, a part of us wants to move forwards, and a part of us resists change. This is not the time to make life changing decisions, this is a time for readjustment. It is a time to see what is not working, look at the cracks, see what exactly what needs to be changed, so you can prepare for something better.

The changes we make at the Last Quarter Moon are not so obvious, “in your face” like the changes we make at the First Quarter Moon.  If during the First Quarter we are motivated to build, to manifest in the outside world, during the Last quarter we are motivated to “de-construct”, to find a new direction.

The changes we make now require some sort of mental adjustments, a shift in our thinking, in our beliefs. They are very much internal and sometimes unconscious. Last Quarter Moons can be uneventful, but are uneventful only from the outside. Inside, things are changing.

Don’t try to resist them, go with the flow.  Just like the moon, we need to go thought the cycle of growing and disseminating, so we can grow again.

On Sunday especially, but also during the whole next week when the Moon is disseminating, let go of anything that needs to be let go of: projects, beliefs, attitudes, habits and behaviors, people, places, dreams, whatever it is that is holding you back.

Now is time to bring your life in line with what you deeply know to be true.

You are affected by this transit especially if you have planets or angles between 24°-29° in Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn). Look in which house you have Aries to get more clues about how the energy will manifest in your life.

Things to do during the Last Quarter Moon:

Contemplate – Last Quarter Moons are those time in the lunar cycle when is actually beneficial to look back, evaluate and contemplate, while keeping the focus on the big picture. What have you learned from the moment of the New Moon until now? Last Quarter Moons are also a good time to look ahead, not necessarily with big dreams and hopes, but with wisdom and reflection:  what are you going to do different next time?  This is a time of change, to reflect on the consequences of your past actions as well as decide what you should keep on doing, and what not.  Ponder on why you have not achieved some of your objectives. And make sure next time, at the next lunar cycle, you avoid doing the same mistakes.

Make decisions – Write down all the projects you are working on but you did not have the chance to complete. Take a honest look at each single one of them. Which one is worth pursuing and which one is not? What do you need to eliminate so you can move forward? Circle the top projects and activities and make a commitment to do something about them, and plan the next steps to make sure you complete them. The Last Quarter Moon is your last chance to make changes and restructure your plans. And then cross out all the remaining  projects and objectives. Make the conscious commitment to release them.

Break bad habits – If you want to kick a bad habit, you might find it is easier to break it at a Last Quarter Moon phase than at a New Moon phase. This is because at a New Moon, when the Moon is invisible, we can feel quite confused, without a compass and we are generally low in energy. Use instead the active energy of the Last Quarter Moon square to end a habit you wish to quit.

Do some recycling or small DIY projects – If you are not a DIY person yourself, you can instead go and shop for any type of item that has been recycled, reprocessed or reused, for example reclaimed wood, or for anything that has to do with energy saving, for example energy efficient appliances, energy efficient light bulbs, energy efficient windows.

Reclaim your job – Last Quarter Moons have a Capricorn vibe because Capricorn is the last Cardinal sign, connected to Aries (the Sun’ equivalent of the New Moon) with a square by sign. That’s why during Last Quarter Moon any type of adjustments related to your status, to your career, anything that has to do with reclaiming your status and authority is favored now.

Do gardening – if  you have a garden, now is time to harvest or weed the garden, and prune dormant fruit trees. The Last Quarter Moons in general are also a great time to start building a new compost heap.

Take care of the details – this is a great time to deal with those “odds and ends” you’ve been neglecting, dig into the details, and finish the work you’ve been procrastinating. Either if it is finishing some paperwork, paying the bills, cleaning out the cupboard or reinventing the existing space in your room, now is time to organize, streamline, clean up, throw away whatever is impractical, useless, or toxic (those decades’ old jars in the fridge or the empty spray bottles for example), and in general to toss out the old stuff to make space for the new.

Move! Let’s not forget that the last quarter Moon is a square, and if you feel a rush of energy and don’t know what to do about it, yoga, martial arts or any type of movement that  aims to align the body with the mind are very beneficial right now.

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