Hold The Torch – Venus At Greatest Elongation And Triple Conjunction

Venus is in the spotlight on June 3rd . If you look at the night sky 2 hours before the sunrise you will notice she is very bright these days. This is because Venus reached the maximum eastern elongation, a.k.a. she is at the greatest distance from the Sun.

Venus is highly independent she is at her greatest elongation, especially when she is a Morning Star. Far away from the light of the Sun, she can express herself freely, and enjoy her creative independence at the maximum.

In this part of the synodic cycle, Venus knows what she stands for and what she wants. She expresses her views freely. Many leaders of the feminist movement were born under this Venus phase. But independence can be a blessing as well as a course. After she reaches the point where she cannot go anywhere further, Venus decides to dive back down to earth. But before that, more exactly on June 3rd at 03:15 (EDT) Venus reigns undisturbed from her Eastern throne.

And if having Venus at greatest elongation was not special enough, Venus also makes a record of 3 conjunctions with Uranus, Eris and Pallas. The closest aspect is with freedom-seeking Uranus (at 27° Aries), signifying the awakening of the feminine to its intrinsic power. The aspect promises electrifying experiences and can bring sudden changes in the area of your life ruled by Venus (look in which house you have 27° Aries).

Venus Eris Pallas Uranus

Venus conjunct Uranus in the bold sign of Aries is the feminine version of Prometheus, the Greek God who stole the fire from Mount Olympus to give it to the mankind. Venus touched by Uranus brings the eternal flame of love to the mankind, holding the promise that no matter what, we are loved.

The second conjunction is with the asteroid Pallas. In Greek mythology, Pallas Athena is the goddess of wisdom, courage, strategy and skill, and is associated with creative intelligence, especially related to war and craft making, as well as with perception – more exactly our ability to see patterns in large amounts of data.

The third conjunction is with the minor planet Eris. Eris is a powerful feminine archetype. She is the feminine version of Mars, the God of War (Mars was Eris’ brother), and is associated with the concept of discord. We tend to give a negative connotation to discord, however discord in necessary for the perfection of the harmony. Many astrologers (including myself) believe Eris rules Libra, the sign of the scales.

Indeed, “balance” and “discord” can be the different sides of the same coin, and you can’t have one without the other. If we break down the word “discord” we have the prefix “dis”, meaning “different,” and “cord”, which means “heart.” So that leaves us with “different hearts.” When we believe too much we tend to know very little. Eris tempers the absolutist quest for one single truth and brings the much needed “balance”, ironically, through discord.

If we look at the famous Trojan war myth we can get a better understanding of how these feminine architypes (Venus, Pallas, Eris) play together.

“The goddesses Hera (Juno), Athena (Pallas) and Aphrodite (Venus) had been invited along with the rest of Olympus to the forced wedding of Peleus and Thetis. Eris was not invited to this wedding because of her history of creating troubles. She then tossed into the party the ”Apple of Discord”, a golden apple inscribed  “For the most beautiful one”, or “To the Fairest One” – provoking the three goddesses to begin quarrelling. Paris, Prince of Troy, was appointed to select the fairest. Hera offered political power,  Athena promised infinite wisdom, and Aphrodite tempted him with the most beautiful woman in the world: Helen of Troy. While Greek culture placed a greater emphasis on power, Paris chose to award the apple to Aphrodite. His choice marked the beginning of the 10-year Trojan war”

Altogether the triple conjunction in Aries stands for freedom, empowerment, integrity and justice. These aspects are particularly important now when Venus is at the greatest distance from the Sun. Venus, struck (Eris) by the divine fire (Uranus) of wisdom (Pallas), shines brighter than ever. We have pure, empowered feminine energy. Venus is truly a Goddess now and is asking every single one of us (regardless of gender) to stand for our sacred feminine values.

On top of the quadruple conjunction, Venus joins Saturn and the North Node in a Grand Fire Trine, being at the apex of an aspect called Castle. A Castle is a rare astrological event which stands for a promise from the Universe that if we build solid foundations (Saturn) in our life, only the sky is the limit in what we can accomplish (North Node).

We need to build a torch, a solid foundation, to keep the divine fire alive.


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5 thoughts on “Hold The Torch – Venus At Greatest Elongation And Triple Conjunction

  1. Great article!! I agree with what you said: “We need to build a torch, a solid foundation, to keep the divine fire alive.”
    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

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