Mars in Pisces – The Spiritual Warrior

Mars enters Pisces, inviting us to let the guard down and trust that the Universe is constantly working on our behalf to give us what our soul needs.

Mars is traditionally the God of War, but in dream-like Pisces, Mars cares less about getting his way, about rewards and recognition. This is because Mars can see that life is so much more that a single, clear-cut direction.

In Pisces, Mars is the alchemist that understands the interconnectedness of all that is, and has the power to transform base metals into gold, something common into something special, struggle and emotions that do not serve us, into the beauty and grace.

Mars in Pisces
Picture 132

In the following weeks, we will be less interested in worldly affairs, distractions, and more dream-like and tuned in with what is not to be seen. The Mars in Pisces energy will allow us to give up the pressure of being in charge and embrace the comfort of trust and in this way, stay open to the miraculous, serendipitous, unexpected turns of life.

Does that mean that Mars in Pisces in passive? Not at all. Although he is not the “in your face” type of warrior (like Mars in Aries for example), it does not mean he is not an warrior.

In Pisces, Mars is the archetype of the spiritual warrior.

Spirituality and war are two words that are often in conflict –  but is there really a contradiction between the two?

In Pisces, Mars explores the crossings of spirituality and war.

Most prophets of our times were spiritual warriors – as they fought for love. They had the courage, discipline, and openness to love unconditionally even they were rejected and persecuted – and this is because they stood for something larger than themselves.

The first and most vital tool of the spiritual warrior is awareness. And this is what Neptune, Pisces’s ruler does so well. Neptune has the ability to understand the big picture, and accept that we are all part of it, and in the same time we all co-create the Divine Plan in every moment of our existence.

Awareness is about perceiving with clarity the truth of what is happening without interpretation or opinion. We are “seeing” from a point or view separate from the reasoning part of our brain. Conscious awareness allows us to see clearly instead of be blinded by false belief paradigms.

Mars is Pisces is not delusional – he clearly sees the truth of our existence, even when the others call him a fool or a conspiracy theorist.

The way to deal with Mars in Pisces transit is by getting in touch with the spiritual warrior inside us, and by finding different creative outlets to express ourselves.


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